Truth dream my father smiles in the light

Truth dream my father smiles in the light and talks


Truth dream my father smiles in the light : dear Sara Luce, last night my beloved father came to pay me a visit, it was a wonderful thing, he was very young, he kept smiling at me, his eyes were shiny, and when I got closer to him I realized that I could touch him, and so we held each other’s hands, he spoke to me in an indescribable manner, then he simultaneously manifested in a more recent version of himself, I was spellbound, ecstatic, I felt like a playful little girl, the state of wellbeing I was feeling was extraordinary, then the white and extremely luminous light started to fade away, and I woke back up again, the following words kept rattling in my mind “love, mutual respect” as if they were not only addressed to me, but they were for all of us, the entire humanity.


I am quite emotional as I share so much gratitude to the Sky, who constantly helps us in this experience.


Thank you Sara Luce, the help you provide with your endeavor is exceptional.


Truth dream my father smiles in the light and talks is Sara’s Testimonial




Truth dream my father smiles in the light and talks


Truth dream my father smiles in the light The words of the Angels

