Dreaming of the departed ones

Dreaming of the departed ones visits in our dreams


Dreaming of the departed ones : dear Sara Luce, it was only recently that I contacted you, but I find myself once again, happily, writing to you because my beloved dad paid a splendid visit to my sister in a dream.


My sister told me that everything happened in a dimension that was not earthly, it was almost astral, there were masses and accumulations of matter everywhere, and at that point swathes of spirit arrived to bring help … then in the sky a group of little balloons manifested itself, and at the center of it was the smiley face of my father who “now belongs to the Spirits of life, like there are also Spirits of air, etc.” (these words were not dictated by anyone, but in her dream she heard this expression).


It would be more than sufficient to rejoice at this fact, in and out of itself it makes your heart open up … but if I think that this dream happened just the night before a very important medical appointment of a close family member, whom I was going to accompany personally, whom by the way had a perfectly positive outcome, I can only be left in wonder at how much Help we actually receive from the Sky!


Thank you Sara Luce


Dreaming of the departed ones visits in our dreams is Sara’s testimonial




Dreaming of the departed ones visits in our dreams


Dreaming of the departed ones


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

