My beloved Angels the gift received

My beloved Angels the gift received in the morning


My beloved Angels the gift received : dear Sara, I want to tell you about an episode that happened this morning, I must explain that I am going through a period of intense emotional stress, I am trying to look inside myself, reflect on the meaning of life and understand what is my place in the world, I often cry alone, in silence, and I feel as if there is never a solution to my problems, I lose stimulation and optimism, and in those moments, more than ever, I turn to my dear Angels to ask for help, a message, a sign, something to make me understand which direction to take.


This morning I woke up already very tired and apathetic, as is often the case lately, and as I sat down for breakfast, I suddenly remembered the words to the song called ORO, from the artist Mango, who passed away a few years ago! I started to sing the tune, and my mood was improving little by little.


Soon after that, while I was spreading some jam on a few crackers, a little of it fell on the place, and I immediately noticed that it took the shape of a beautiful little red heart! What can I say, I immediately smiled and gave thanks for the gift received!


Surely there is some message in the song that I must try to interpret.


A big hug


My beloved Angels the gift received in the morning is Flavia’s experience




My beloved Angels the gift received in the morning


My beloved Angels The words of the Angels

