Finding stars shapes of stars

Finding stars shapes of stars everywhere


Finding stars shapes of stars : hello Sara, my name is Laura, I always follow your site, I had written to you a while back, that’s when my little angel flew to the Sky, since then I see hearts everywhere, this morning I woke up and on my skin, at the same level as my hart, there was a little red stain in the shape of a heart, which eventually faded away during the day.


Or sometimes it happens to me that when I prepare food for my children and my husband, hearts form in their plates, then as I would talk to my cousin and my aunt, they would tell me “You are so lucky to find all these hearts” … I had lost touch with them for a few years, and then we started reconnecting over the phone, no long ago we actually met in person, they came to our house to visit, and I gave them a little wooden angel, one each, one to my cousin who is 45 years old, with the wish for her to have a child soon, since she has been trying unsuccessfully to have one, and one angel to my aunt, as protection.


Well, the surprising thing is that a week later they called me, and told me with much joy that they too started seeing hearts everywhere, and my cousin, not long ago, told me that she is expecting … and to think that two weeks ago, before I heard this news, I had had a dream that she was pregnant …


Often it happens to me to smell a scent of roses, and to find shapes of stars everywhere, even on the vegetable peel, I must explain that my grandmother died in 2004, her name was Stella (Star) and in her home she had a little frame of Pope John XXIII, which I now have hanging in my house …. to think that after losing my boy Lorenzo on his 16th week of pregnancy, I had gone to the Sanctuary of Pope John at the feet of a well known mountain.


There are many things that happen to me, but these are the most significant ones.


I always have the sensation to live in a dimension parallel to our earthly one, I feel I belong to another world, pure, joyful and full of love.


Thank you, a hug to you


Finding stars shapes of stars everywhere is Laura’s testimonial




Finding stars shapes of stars everywhere


Finding stars shapes of stars The words of the Angels

