The other side signs and dreams

The other side signs and dreams experiences


The other side signs and dreams : hello Sara it’s always a pleasure writing to you, lately I feel I have been receiving more and more signs from the wonderful world of the other side; in my daily life I am always finding hearts, stars, and clouds in the shape of Angels; lately I have been noticing that the dreams I have, shortly before I wake up in the morning, turn out to reveal events that warn me of something.


The other morning I dreamt of my grandparents, who died a few years back now, they were standing under the gallery of the central railway station in Milan, and I saw my grandmother die in front of my eyes, and my suffering grandfather very slowly looking at me, and then he also died, leaning his head on my shoulder, and I told him not to be afraid, that everything will be all right, that death is only a passage, I repeated to him not to be afraid and to let himself go, and then I woke up.


The following day I asked myself what my grandparents were trying to tell me … I turned the computer on, I looked to see if there had been an accident in the tunnel under the Centrale railway station, and I found one accident …. it happened on 19th January 2017, a 26 year old motorcyclist, Michele, died on impact as he crashed against a column under the tunnel, right at the beginning of it, right where I dreamt of my grandparents.


But the most surprising thing of all is that … my 17 year old son has recently started to be very passionate about motorcycles, he really likes them, especially one which is the exact same model of the one in the accident, a Honda.


I believe my grandfather had been trying to warn me, because it’s not the first time he warns me before my son may risk his life. I have always prayed to God that my son change his mind about his passion for motorbikes, even though I know that our children do not belong to us, but to God.


Thank you Sara for your attention and the time you dedicated to me, an affectionate hug


The other side signs and dreams experiences is the story from Laura




The other side signs and dreams experiences


The other side signs and dreams The words of the Angels

