After cremation being born to a new life

After cremation being born to a new life experiences


After cremation being born to a new life : today I participated to the cremation of my boxer dog, who had been a part of our lives for 15 years; well, it’s been a difficult and painful week, she was the sweetest dog, and she took care of everyone in the house, she donated love unconditionally, she was the mother of our other furry family members, as well as being our mother.


Today was the last goodbye, she was like a daughter to us, and this is where I tell you about a strange episode: while the cremation oven was being locked and turned on, suddenly next to me a butterfly materialized out of the blue, its wings were a mixture of black, brown, white, red, she fluttered her wings, and then, it stopped and rested its wings.


I turned around, it was as if it was calling me and telling me, hi, it’s me, don’t worry, I am reborn to a new life.


This gave me joy and serenity in that precise moment.


This evening I looked up the meaning of this, and I understood that she had sent me a message of love and hope. Thank you, my sweet Nelly.


After cremation being born to a new life experiences is Caterina’s experience



After cremation being born to a new life


After cremation The words of the Angels

