In the arms of an Angel

In the arms of an Angel after a car accident


In the arms of an Angel : it was 1996, 2nd of September, I was going to the cemetery because it was the anniversary of the death of my Father; my friend was driving, at a crossroad, a car did not give us right of way and we ended up in an inevitable head-on accident; I hit my head on the windshield, the passenger side was stuck on the entrance door of a launderette, moments of great panic, in that very moment I felt as if I was being grabbed by my arm and taken out of the vehicle, in front of me was a handsome looking young man, blonde, I immediately thanked him, I was the one to call the local police and authorities.


People ran towards me and they were looking at me incredulously, how could someone who had just been in such a violent head on accident be so mentally lucid? I did not have a single scratch, unlike my friend.


One of the policemen asked me “How did you get out of the vehicle?” I answered “It was him”, pointing toward the young man, but he had disappeared.


Well! Once I got into the Emergency room, the doctors were shocked, but then, a few minutes later, I crashed, and fell into a coma, I believe I was in a coma for a few hours, but what I saw, what a fantastic world!!!!


It was an inexplicable world, I met my father, I wanted to hug him, he told me “Where are you going?”, “I am coming to you, dad”, “Not yet, go back”, it was wonderful, I woke back up and immediately asked me where I had been, I told him “In a beautiful place, and if that is what death is, then I am not afraid to die!!!”


In the arms of an Angel after a car accident are the words of Maria Lucia




In the arms of an Angel after a car accident


In the arms of an Angel The words of the Angels

