Seeing the departed in a dream

Seeing the departed in a dream my father in the light


Seeing the departed in a dream : dear Sara Luce, my father came to visit me in a dream; he was a little sad for having left us behind, he said he had a dream and, once he woke up, he noticed he was no longer among us, I was able to hear his thought, and understand it, even though he did not express it with words; I was close to him, trying to hug him, and our bodies lightly touched one another, I impulsively told him that he did not have to worry about it because I loved him so much, I noticed that his silhouette was very neatly defined, and he was extremely luminous, the wall behind him was a blinding white, and yet I was able to tolerate it.


Then he disappeared, I turned around to look for him and I found him again where he had been before, I went close to him again and he spoke to me, in Latin, the phrase was short, I don’t remember it.


I was aware that it was all about to end, because that light was gradually becoming more feeble, and so it happened, I woke up, and even though the sun was shining directly into my room, the sun light was not able to come close to the blinding light that I had just seen.


Today marks one year from his goodbye, my life has since been completely revolutionized from the inside out, and this is the real miracle.


A year ago I thought I was going to die from desperation, but Someone made sure that something amazing happened, thus gifting me with “special glasses” to be able to see the world and its existence on this earthly dimension as not only acceptable, but also in increasing openness toward the All.


Moreover, I feel my father more strongly than ever, more alive than ever, he is with me, in me, it’s difficult to explain with words, but he is there.


I am immensely grateful to you Sara Luce, to the Sky, I will send a thought to humanity: we are loved and helped, constantly, in this existential journey by countless wonderful spiritual entities, even though we don’t even notice it.


A hug,


Seeing the departed in a dream my father in the light are the words from Sara




Seeing the departed in a dream my father in the light


Seeing the departed in a dream The words of the Angels

