Listen to the Angels

Listen to the Angels and joy shall be within you


Angels talk to us through the heart by means of emotions, sensations, thoughts, listen to the Angels; rivers of words whisper to us every day to support us, to give us faith, to give us hope, to guide us on the path we are on.


Sometimes, however, there are situations of danger that They see but we do not, and that’s when, always through our emotions, they trigger discomfort, alarm, restlessness, they send us thoughts to put us on alert, to bring us to being careful’ listening to Angels, listening to this voice that is trying to communicate with us through the emotions is always important, let’s listen to today’s testimonial


A few years ago my son was almost six years old, he was in the kitchen, I was napping on the sofa, not far away, my eyes were closed and I was calm because he was always a calm child, at some point I started to feel restless, from the bedroom, where I was currently, I could not see him, a thought ran through my mind and told me to get up and go check on him, this voice was insistent, and so I went to the kitchen, I arrived just in time to see that my child had just set the kitchen curtain on fire with the lighter, I immediately put the fire out, he told me he was burning the two little threads that were sticking out from the curtain.


It was such a strong emotion, fright and immediately afterward joy, my Angel has been wonderful, as always.


Listen to the Angels and joy shall be within you are the words from Mimma




Listen to the Angels and joy shall be within you


Listen to the Angels The words of the Angels

