Omen in our dreams the meaning

Omen in our dreams the meaning of it to heed


Omen in our dreams the meaning of it : our loved ones who passed on, our Angels, are always trying to protect us, warning us of danger, of potentially risky situations that we are about to encounter, the Love they have for us, the immense value they give to our life manifests into words inside our hearts, emotions within our emotions, and sometimes they become dreams and visions, they can do that, and sometimes they do, we have the freedom to listen to them, and to welcome, accept the help; we will now discover, through the words of the protagonist, the meaning of the omen she received.


It happened last year. My mother passed away three years ago. Last year my husband, myself and our children went south, to visit our parents’ home.


The day before we were due to go back home, my husband said that on our last day there he really wanted to go to the seaside one last time. I told him it would be better to stay at home, since we had to pack our bags.


During the night I heard my mother’s voice, I even saw her, it seemed she was struggling to speak, and she kept on repeating these words “But he insists, he insists”


The following morning, it turns out that even my brother dreamed of my mother, and he was not sure about joining my husband to the seaside. Nevertheless, in the end, they did go together.


Soon after my brother got out of the car my husband fell ill, they called an ambulance and he ended up being sick for days.


Can you imagine what would have happened if he had fallen ill while he was driving ….


Mother wanted to tell us not to go, and perhaps she guided him to that point.


Thank you


Omen in our dreams the meaning of it to heed are the words from Filippina




Omen in our dreams the meaning of it to heed


Omen in our dreams the meaning The words of the Angels

