Prayer to the Archangels

Prayer to the Archangels with me for 5 days


Prayer to the Archangels : I have always believed in Angels and Archangels, so much so that recently I signed up to a Reiki group to join them, to learn more about it, and it was not by coincidence that, as I answered a post, I asked the Archangels if they wanted to come to my home to welcome them and have them with me for 5 days, a sweet soul in the group sent them to me, it was going to be the 13th of December and, as expected, I was preparing to welcome them at 22:30.


I was really emotional, it was the very first time I welcomed them and I was anxious but extremely happy, I was checking on Google that I had done everything correctly, and I had not made any mistakes.


The time was ten minutes before, at 22:20, in the meantime I was reading again all the instructions on what to do; when I walked up to my bedroom window I distinctly heard three knocks on the external side of my bedroom, I initially felt a little scared, but at the same time I realized that they were knocking to tell me that they were there, ready to come in, I just had to open the door and stop searching, because I was ready to welcome them.


I will let you imagine the joy and serenity that I felt as I had them with me until Sunday night, that’s why I firmly believe in Angels and Archangels, I did not hear voices, but I had my certainty anyway.


And this is not the only sign I received, for example, I keep finding feathers all around the house and outside; and another thing that happened to me this summer, when I get up in the morning, always from my bedroom window, I look at the sky and I speak with them, one morning, as I looked up, I found an enormous white cloud in the shape of an Angel, with a huge heart on the Angel’s head, I ran inside to find my cellphone so I could take a photo of it and share it, but in that fraction of a second it disappeared; it’s worth noting that the sky that day was crystal clear, and the sun was shining bright, the only cloud was my Angel.


This is everything for now.


Prayer to the Archangels with me for 5 days are the words from Maria




Prayer to the Archangels with me for 5 days


Prayer to the Archangels The words of the Angels

