Meditation with the Angels

Meditation with the Angels seeing the Angels


Meditation with the Angels : it happened to me in 2008, I saw Angels during a meditation; one Sunday morning, it was 6:30 am; I was meditating in a cross-legged position, and I don’t know how it happened, I found myself in between two beautiful Angels, with short hair, dark, very tall, dressed in white, they looked at me sweetly, with a sweet smile, I felt a sensation of protection and of immense peace and love.


Their right hand was on top of their left hand, which was clenched in a fist, as if we had met in front of God, an immense light; unfortunately my rational mind ruined everything, because I asked myself mentally (what am I seeing?) and that’s when, just like that, everything vanished like white smoke.


I was left very upset at that, because I was aware I had ruined a magic moment, but afterward they left a wonderful sensation within me; for about ten days I felt happy and light, without any apparent reason for it, and despite the problems I was having at the time, it was a joy that made me want to hug everyone and everything, a fantastic sensation, but I never got to see them again.


Sometimes I have received proof of their presence: a few months later, two weeks after my birthday, a girl I knew came to visit me, and even though we were not very close, she said she had a birthday gift for me, I was speechless, because it was an unexpected gift; as I opened the box, I found that inside it there was a beautiful blonde Angel, with a nice plum colored robe, with golden details.


This girl could not have known that I loved Angels, or even that I believed in Angels.


When I think of those two Angels in my meditation, I ask myself, why two? am I a grave case, that called for my Angel to ask for help? I remember more vividly the Angel who was on my left.


A divine hug to everyone


Meditation with the Angels seeing the Angels are the words from Satya




Meditation with the Angels seeing the Angels


Meditation with the Angels The words of the Angels

