Names Of God Angels

Names Of God Angels David My Guardian


Names Of God Angels : over a year ago I read an article on a web page on how to get in touch with our Angels, with God Angels, and how to ask them directly for their names; I concentrated very much on what I had to do, and then I asked for his name, it was like lightning, with my eyes closed I saw a little child, his back to me, and he whispered “it’s me, David”, this is what he told me, but at the same time what I also felt was “don’t you recognize me, don’t you remember me anymore?”, as I heard those words I remembered, I knew him, but it was an instant, there are no words for what I felt, an indescribable happiness and serenity, and then, the biggest surprise, the end of the article I had read was signed by someone named David, that’s when I burst into tears, happy for it.


I always believed in Angels, and I always will, they are wonderful creatures, and they deserve all our respect.


Names Of God Angels David My Guardian are the words from Maria




Names Of God Angels David My Guardian


Names Of God Angels The words of the Angels

