Meaning coincidences with the Angels

Meaning coincidences with the Angels the world of Angels


Meaning coincidences with the Angels : hello Sara, I too want to share with you a story that happened to me a few years ago; I was going through one of my usual periods of depression, I had not had a boyfriend in a long time, and I did not know of anyone I liked; at that time, I started to get closer to the world of Angels, and I followed avidly your website (I still do).


I spoke with my Angel and asked him to show me his love by letting me see not one, but many hearts. I really did specify my request like this “Angel, show me you are here, let me see countless hearts today”.


At that point I went out for a bike ride, I was cycling around the city. During that time I was thinking of my Angel, to see if I could spot some hearts in the distance, but I did not see anything.


Late in the afternoon I had all but given up on it, and I started heading home a little deflated.


I noticed that on the top part of the mailbox there was a little parcel. It was not on my mailbox in particular, but on the communal one, so it could be addressed to anyone.


I instinctively turned the little parcel (generally I never do that, unless I am waiting to receive something) to see who it was addressed to, and I read the name of my neighbor, so I decided to bring it to her, directly to her home.


As I handed the parcel to her, she opened it and exclaimed “Ah, finally it arrived, the piece I was missing!”. She went into the bedroom and came to the kitchen (where I was sitting) with a lamp, where the shade part of it was literally covered in beautiful hearts!


The lamp was broken, and she had ordered a piece online that she needed to fix it.


I was left in shock! I could not believe it! I just saw all the hearts I had asked of my Angel!


For me, it has been a combination of events and coincidences: the instinctive urge to read who the parcel was addressed to, the neighbor who kept the lamp in the bedroom and brought it out in front of my eyes!


Even to date, I still remember this story with much joy, because there is a part of me that KNOWS for sure that my Angel is a genial orchestrator! He does everything to make me happy!


It is not rational, not at all in fact, but it is what it is, and that is all.


Ah, Sara Luce, now I am happily married and recently we have been trying to have a little baby, an infinite embrace


Meaning coincidences with the Angels the world of Angels are the words from Emanuela




Meaning coincidences with the Angels the world of Angels


Meaning coincidences with the Angels The words of the Angels

