A sweet caress for you

A sweet caress for you my father’s hand


A sweet caress for you : good evening, a week ago I lost my father following five months of suffering due to a tumor, we fought until the end, but in the end the Monster won; I would like to tell you what happened to me the night after his death, at around five in the morning as I was asleep, I felt as if someone was touching my shoulder, as if someone was caressing it, and wanted to wake me up, I thought it was my husband, I turned around and I barely caught a glimpse of my father’s hand disappearing.


Maybe it was his way of saying goodbye, because at the time of his passing he was in the company of my brother and my mother.


A sweet caress for you my father’s hand are the words from Maria Grazia




A sweet caress for you


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

