Visions of the other side

Visions of the other side apparitions of capuchin monks


Visions of the other side : hello Sara, I would like to tell you about my experience; every since I was little, in my parents’ home, I could see to capuchin monks; I remember one night, I was probably 3 or 4 years old; my mother had just bathed me and put me in the big bed to sleep, since dad was working the night shift and my sister and I could enjoy my mother’s cuddles.


That night I had a bad cold, I remember I used to keep the handkerchief in my hand at all times; I was still awake, my sister was asleep, and my mother was still in the kitchen, watching tv; suddenly, I saw two shapes, two capuchin monks, they approached me, one of them started talking to me, told me to put the handkerchief under my pillow, so that during the night it would not fall on the floor, then I fell asleep, not without a little bit of fear in me.


I told my mother, she did not believe me, she told me that it was certainly a dream, and so I convinced myself of the same, until the age of 14, when it happened again, I was in the big bed and with a cold, my handkerchief was under my pillow; as I was falling asleep I heard the same monks calling me, with their hoods lifted up, one leaned over to me and said “well done, I can see that you finally learned to put the handkerchief under the pillow”.


The following morning I told my mother, she immediately thought I suffered from hallucinations.


Visions of the other side apparitions of capuchin monks are Grazia’s words




Visions of the other side apparitions of capuchin monks


Visions of the other side The words of the Angels

