Angels help me I beg you

Angels help me I beg you true stories


Angels help me I beg you : hello dearest Sara, I would like to share with you an experience that filled me with joy; a couple of weeks ago I started talking again to a lady who works in my same shopping center, her name is Adriana.


She confided in me about her difficult financial and job situation, she was especially worried because two years prior she had put her house up for sale, but nobody had placed an offer on it yet.


Knowing how devoted to the Angels she is, I talked to her about you, your website, of how much you have been of help to me during difficult times, and I suggested she tried making contact with her Angels and let them help her.


A week later she came to me, the very first thing I noticed was that her face was radiant.


“Adriano” she said “I did what you suggested, I prayed with all of my heart to my Angels to unblock my situation, and twenty minutes later I received a phone call from my real estate agent, there was a client that was interested in my home, I was paralyzed with emotion!”


What can I say, now I am helping her with the sale, I already contacted the agent and helped her obtain a deposit from the buyer.


Thanks to my dear Angels from my heart and thank you Sara Luce from my heart.


An immense embrace


Angels help me I beg you true stories are the words from Adriano




Angels help me I beg you true stories


Angels help me I beg you The words of the Angels

