To abort or to keep the baby

To abort or to keep the baby experiences


To abort or to keep the baby : I will tell you what happened to me 15 years ago, at the time I already had three children, Antonella, 21 years old, Michele, 20, and Graziano, 15; in the month of May 2003 I was late with my period, I should explain that I was used to having very regular periods; at the time I was 39 years old, on the verge of a probable menopause; after waiting for 9 days I took a pregnancy test, which was positive, and this for me was a dilemma, I already had older children, some with significant others, I can’t tell you the shame I felt, those were the feelings that crowded my mind back then.


My oldest daughter immediately caught on to what was happening, she told her brothers the situation, from them I received a resounding complicity and they asked me not to abort, or else they would reject me as a mother, my husband did not know anything about it until one night I passed out in the bathroom, everyone ran to the bathroom after hearing the thud from my fall, I fell and hit the shower door, they called the ambulance and that is when my children told my father, who immediately replied “it’s nothing, the important thing is that mum is well”.


The emergency doctor suggested an urgent visit to the gynaccologist , the following day I booked an appointment and that afternoon I went to see him, to my great surprise, following an ultrasound, he told me that there was no pregnancy, there was no gestating sac, however, he told me, let’s have a follow up visit in 15 days to check if it’s a case of beginning of menopause.


During the following 15 days I suffered from seasickness, morning vomit and general sickness, please understand that, after three pregnancies, I was very familiar with the symptoms of a pregnancy; I called the gynecologist again, who abruptly answered “madam, I know how to do my job very well, I repeat, there is no gestating sac”, other adult people reassured me by telling me that menopause sometimes does play similar tricks on you, very well, I told myself, if this is what it is, let’s wait and see.


After 15 days I returned to the gynecologist, and I wanted to take a picture of his face as he was performing the ultrasound, after 5 minutes of test, he looked at me and said “madam, here is the heartbeat of your baby” and the floor fell out of my world, a vortex of emotions took over me, he looked at me as I was getting dressed, and said “you have one month to decide”.


The phone rang and I would not answer, my husband called me from work, my children, called from school, I answered nobody, I was sitting in the car, thinking of what lie I could tell, when I got home I called all of them and told them the doctor suggested I see him again in one month and during the following month I tried everything I could, extreme cleaning in the house, I would climb up and down the stairs, putting pressure on my belly, when I was alone at home I would place a hot water bottle on my belly, it really hurt, it was burning, but I resisted, how stupid of me, I had not reckoned with the One who had already decided on the fate of this creature in my womb.


Very important thing during this period my husband dreamt of Father Pio telling him, loud and clear “here, this is yours” and he put a baby in his arms, my husband at the time was not able to tell if it was a boy or a girl.


Well, I tried everything, nothing succeeded in pushing push the little creature away, I was at the verge of 3 months, I had to make a decision, one night, in tears, I fessed up and told everything, in a big embrace they all told me “we are here with you”.


Francesca, our great pride, is almost 15 years old now, she is beautiful, and has a sister and two brothers always doting on her.


Thank you God, and his Angels, who protected her, as for me, every day I keep telling her Angels “please look after her, because you do a far better job than me”


To abort or to keep the baby experiences are the words from Angels




To abort or to keep the baby experiences


To abort or to keep the baby The words of the Angels

