The spark of life in me

The spark of life in me vision and experiences


The spark of life in me : the evening of the day that I conceived my child I saw a light entering my uterus, I was pregnant, and I knew it; ten days later, I had proof; it was the night of 13th November, I still remember it because the tragedy at Bataclan happened during that morning; the evening of the Saturday 14th we were in a shopping center, I told my oldest daughter that I felt a strange movement, and I emphatically told her “you know, I feel pregnant” and in the exact moment I told her those words, I saw inside me a globe, descending into my uterus and my daughter, immediately joking, told me that my eyes were bright, like a sparkle.


Ohh, I felt euphoric, I was already thinking of how to organize my life!


Once home the thought of it kept rattling in my heard, I took my calendar, did some math, and realized that I was indeed in my fertile period of the month and that is when I started to be sure of it.


The funny thing is that in the pharmacy nobody believed me, they did not even want to sell me the test because it was too soon, in fact it was only a couple of days, my last cycle had come on the 3rd of November, a psychic friend of mine told me that it was going to be a girl, and that she was pure love.


Giada is now two years old, and she is indeed pure love.


With her I have become even more spiritual, more sensitive, more receptive to the invisible, and with her I took pictures of strange things like orbs.


The spark of life in me vision and experiences are the words from May May


The spark of life in me vision and experiences


The spark of life in me The words of the Angels

