Healing while sleeping

Healing while sleeping experiences


Healing while sleeping : dear Sara, I have already had the opportunity of receiving healing in my life, as well as strength and serenity (depending on what I needed in a certain circumstance) during my sleep, through people I trust completely and whom I meet in other journeys of personal growth in my life, in moments of stress or when I have strong physical symptoms; I happened to dream of these people touching me in a few aching parts of my body, or simply giving me a massage in some parts of my body, and feeling a lot of energy, and waking up refreshed, full of energy and aware of having just had a wonderful experience of love.


A few nights ago, I dreamt of a person that is very dear to me, then this person slowly lost his physiognomy and I understood he was a superior entity, but I was not able to define it, I asked myself something about the previous experiences in which I received healing or energy, through people I knew.


Were those healing a way to reassure me about what was happening through something that I recognized? lately I used to need energy because I felt very run down, and after the other night, I feel a renewed energy in me and now it’s a wonderful thing.


Thanks for reading my letter, I wish you a good evening full of light


Healing while sleeping experiences are the words from Laura


Healing while sleeping experiences


Healing while sleeping


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

