Messages in dreams

Messages in dreams testimonials


Messages in dreams : hello dear Sara, my name is Kremilda and I found myself reading your pages, which I find to be the most beautiful about Angels; about five months ago I lost my adored mother, the love of my life, the meaning of my life; the pain is still very strong, the emptiness she left behind is indescribable, however I want to tell you that I have always remained in contact with my mother through my dreams; ever since I was a young girl, I always had a special relationship with dreams, I sensitive relationship with them, I could tell you so many things about dreaming of things that were going to happen, which then promptly happened; it doesn’t really matter if people believe it or not, I have a profound faith that has been accompanying me since forever, if only we were all more open with the other dimension, we could all get in contact with them.


Going back to my mother, I dream of her every day ever since she passed to the other dimension, however there is one dream that left a mark, they are not dreams dictated by our subconscious mind, they are real, very clear dreams.


One afternoon I was very sad, it was about two months ago, I was constantly crying, I could not sleep at night, the pain was too deep, that afternoon, from the extreme tiredness from all the crying, I fell into a very deep sleep, dreaming of my beloved mother; she had a serious expression on her, she was cross, she tried to approach me but I moved away because I was afraid, I knew she was dead, she reached me and looked at me straight in the eyes, and said “leave me alone, it’s such a torture watching you suffer so much, I am here, always, every day, and every day I will come to visit you”.


I woke up with an additional awareness, that no matter how deep the pain is, and I still have a lot of it, we must allow them to enter the light, because they hear and see everything.


My mother gives me messages every single day with my dreams, I would love to tell you so many things.


May my experience be of help to those who, like me, lost the most important person in their lives, but know and never forget that they are always next to us.


Thank you, Sara, for having welcomed my testimonial, I am sending you a tight hug


Messages in dreams testimonials are the experiences from Kremilda




Messages in dreams testimonials


Messages in dreams The words of the Angels

