Beyond life beyond death

Beyond life beyond death testimonials


Beyond life beyond death: something strange happened to me also, an experiences Beyond life and beyond death, my mother sadly passed away on 29th of August 2018, leaving a big void behind her, despite her age (92 years old); I so wished to hug her again, cuddle her and I am convinced that one night she actually came to visit me; a couple of weeks from her departure, one evening, I could not sleep, I kept tossing and turning in my bed, even the regular breathing of my husband sleeping in our bed was annoying me.


At around two in the morning I got tired of it and walked to the bed we have in the attic room, but I was not able to fall asleep in there either; at around three I heard the rustling sound of clothes coming from the stairs, but I remained still, thinking that maybe it was my husband checking up on me and making sure I was not feeling sick, so I stayed perfectly still, laying on one side, with my back to the door because I did not feel like giving him an explanation.


Suddenly I saw a shadow leaning over me and cover my shoulder with a blanket.


I was still convinced that it was my husband, so I remained still.


The following morning, when I thanked him for covering me with the blanket, he assured me that he had never moved from his bed the entire night and that’s when my thoughts immediately went to my beloved mother.


Beyond life beyond death testimonials are the phrases from Anna


Beyond life beyond death The words of the Angels

