Life’s end reflections

Life’s end reflections and experiences


Life’s end reflections : those are my reflections about life’s end, those are my experiences, dear Sara, despite the pain of remembering my mother’s final days in the palliative care ward at the hospital, I do want to tell you a few things that were quite particular, and of a tale of infinite love from our loved ones in the Sky.


Mum retained her faculties right up to the end, even before the doctor was about to perform an injection for her last journey, because the pain had become intolerable, my mother would always tell me “my love, grandmother is right here next to me” and I would say “mom, how is grandmother?”, my grandmother had left us a year earlier, at least once a day, during the last six months, my mother could feel my grandmother’s hand caressing her; to me, it was a clear sign that she was near her, but it also meant that she was going to take her away.


The morning they let my mother fall asleep one last time, is a day that I shall never forget, I do not wish it upon anyone, in the afternoon I fell asleep in the armchair next to her bed, hand in hand with my mother; I dreamt of her, a wonderful dream, but I also felt a profound sadness, only God knows how much I cried; I dreamt that, while her body was still in the hospital bed she was currently in, she entered a different room, together with her mother, hand in hand, and my mother was beautiful, and much younger; the incredible thing, Sara, is that my mother was looking at her own body from up above, and she told me “I am no longer there, I am well, but I have departed”.


After two days, my mother passed away, with the certainty in my heart that she was no longer suffering, her heart was still beating, but her Soul was already in the Sky.


I am sending you a tight hug Sara, thank you for allowing me to also share this experience with you.


Life’s end reflections and experiences are the phrases from Kremilda


Life’s end reflections and experiences


Life’s end reflections The words of the Angels

