Perceiving the Angels

Perceiving the Angels the touch of an Angel after the dream


Perceiving the Angels : I read that in rare cases, the Guardian Angel appears in dreams with the appearance of the dreamer as a child; it happened to me, 18 years ago, I was 26 years old and I remember that dream in every detail still today, it is through this dream that I was allowed to perceive the Angels, I felt the touch of an Angel in a dream.


In the dream I enter, from the blackest darkness, in the hall of the house dominated by a bright light, I meet my father, all beautiful and well dressed, as he passed me, I asked him "father, where are you going?" and he does not answer; no word, only the very sweet smile of those who reserve to his daughters and immediately my gaze moves downwards, between us passes a little girl, about 4 years, hopping and happy.


I don’t see her face, but only a little head with golden curls gathered in a tail, it reminds me of myself, in a photo as a child, at the sea, she begins to climb the steps of the staircase leading up to the house, at the third step the child turns, but I can not see her face because the light that emanates is strong and envelops me and gets even more intense enough to blind me, so I turn around and then I see my father walking serenely and entering into that darkness from which I had come.


I woke up suddenly, all upset, and in the dark, I sat on the bed, suddenly I felt a hand resting on my shoulder, like someone sitting next to you and giving you a comforting touch, I got so scared that in a split second I reached out to turn on the light in the bedroom thinking a stranger had entered the house, my parents were at a party and I was in the bedroom with my little sister.


When I turned on the light, it was just me and my sister sleeping like a bear in the bedroom.


The next day, my dad had a stroke and died.


Today I am 44 years old and on other 2 occasions I had the so-called "touch of an Angel" on me, I wanted to bring my testimony, I thank


Perceiving the Angels the touch of an Angel after the dream are phrases of Milena




Perceiving the Angels the touch of an Angel after the dream


Perceiving the Angels The words of the Angels

