Existence of the Soul

Existence of the Soul after earthly life


Existence of the Soul : dearest Sara, you speak of the Soul’s existence after earthly life, heartfelt thanks for the love and gentleness with which you heal your page and offer us such precious testimonies; I follow you every day since my beloved grandfather went to Heaven, I suffer so much because, although I am more than certain that his life is going on in a better place and I have the very strong hope of seeing him again one day, now I feel enormously his lack and memories, instead of keeping me company, I am devastated; however, the stories you publish are almost a balm for my wounds and I would never tire of reading them.


I also want to offer a small testimony, no experience of premortes or otherworldly visions, maybe a small thing but for me very important and an unequivocal evidence of the existence of the afterlife.


The days when my grandfather was preparing to leave this land were the worst of my life and also those that followed; within this horrible period is placed, however, what I consider one of the most exciting moments ever, perhaps the most exciting together with the birth of my children.


On the evening of the Rosary, the day after his death, I incessantly asked for a sign of his presence, I hoped for it very much, even if I did not want to illumine myself, especially when I went to his house and entered his room, I opened his drawers looking for I don’t even know what, I spoke to him nothing.


After the religious service we still entertain about twenty minutes with my grandmother who had not felt to come to church, at first with some neighbors, then we remain family and caregiver; it was summer and we were in the yard, at some point my mom points out that it’s almost 10 and 00 at night and it’s better to go home, especially for the kids. Our house is 25 km from that of the grandparents, then we all get up, we say goodbye and my sister with her family starts to the car.


I still remain a few seconds hugged to the grandmother and in those exact moments it rings, I think for 3 times, the home phone; my mom’s running to pick up, but she’s not here in time, her phone’s already stopped ringing, she then dialed the number to trace the last missed call and noted with amazement that the number from which the call had started was that of his cell phone, which he had left at home and that no one could have touched; obviously we verified that even date and time corresponded; back home and taken the phone, that call will never appear!


I have goose bumps every time I think about it, grandpa was there with us, he wanted to tell us that he was in that hug too, a couple more minutes and we’d all be in the car but he chose that moment.


About two weeks later, my sister has a beautiful dream, which I think is more than just a dream, she sees my mother enter the courtyard with my grandfather in the car, she and I run towards him, very happy but also very surprised, we say to him "but you’re not dead?", and he "I died only at P., the country where he actually died, but not here!, but soon I will have to leave and we will not be able to see each other as now"; we caress him and he asks us “do you not believe me?", my sister then told me that we believed in each other but we caressed him only for the great love.


I am extremely grateful to the Lord for allowing him to give us this sign of his presence, among other things I forgot to say that about 2/3 days before dying my grandfather had seen in dream/vision his brother-in-law, who died in an accident many years before at the age of 27 and with whom he had a beautiful relationship; grandpa said his brother-in-law was cutting a hedge in Heaven, maybe almost "opening" the way for him.


Thanks again and a big hug


Existence of the Soul after earthly life are phrases of Cristina



Existence of the Soul after earthly life


Existence of the Soul


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

