The departed are near us

The departed are near us experiences


The departed are near us : those are my experiences, my proof that departed are near us, this is my story, last year I underwent surgery for my breast cancer, as I was recuperating from the anesthesia, I could see my grandfather, I was speaking to him, my family thought it was the anesthesia, but I felt him hugging me, I could see him, I was looking at him and I was speaking with him, he answered all of my questions.


I still feel him near me, very often I speak to him out loud, to me he was like a father!!!


If I think about it, or if people ask me, I really did see him, and speak to him, nobody can convince me of the contrary!!!


The departed are near us experiences are the words from Laura


The departed are near us experiences


The departed are near us The words of the Angels
