Archangel Michael real images

Archangel Michael real images experiences


Archangel Michael real images : today I tell you about Archangel Michael, this is my experience, I saw a real images oh Him, you know dear when you meet an Angel, you feel it in your heart, in your mind, you can understand it from that wave of joy that can not be explained, on earth I saw 2 with human resemblance, the third one went beyond it, let me explain.


One sad day, when the world collapsed on me, I was crying like never before in my life, the sun was blinding me, the sky was completely clear, I was not sure how long I had been crying unconsolably, however, I could sense that something was in the air; I tried to look up, and I believed I could see two suns, I thought it was due to the crying, to a reflex, and yet, the sun that I could see on the right hand moved forward toward me, and moved to the right, obscuring the actual sun.


Millions of particles of extremely intense light formed the perfect silhouette of an Angel, I saw it for a few seconds, it whispered a phrase telepathically, then nothing, I thought I had gone blind, after a few minutes I was back to being my normal self.


I remember perfectly every feature of his face, but especially the lowered sword in his right hand, years have passed, the contact with Michael, my beloved Archangel Michael and my life, I shall never forget that the light of Michael can block the light of the sun.


Dear Sara, you asked me to describe to you what it is like when I see when I see archangels, the way I see them, they are made from millions of particles of pure energy, even if they have human resemblance, Gabriel is extremely young, he seems like a young man, short black hair, pitch black bright eyes, his face is always serious, he wears a simple white tunic, but all of this consists of particles of energy, he seems to have black hair, but when he comes near me, his hair is made of millions of dark blue particles.


Archangel Michael real images are the words from Giusy


Archangel Michael real images experiences


Archangel Michael images The words of the Angels
