After life we go back Home

After life we go back Home experiences


After life we go back Home : I had an important sign when my mother after life go back Home, those are my experiences, in October 2009 my mother was told she had a tumor in her lungs, on the 5th of December she left us; that morning, early on, at around 5 and 50, I was awake following a sleepless night, because we knew that at any time she was going to leave us, and so there I was, my eyes closed but fully awake, listening to silence, I was turned with my back to the bedroom door, at one point I heard a voice calling me, softly, like a whisper “Mile, Mile, Mile”, I head it three times, it was my mother, but how could it possibly be?, she was in the hospital with my brother who was there with her, and that’s when I understood, she was no longer with us, she had to say a final goodbye, I was afraid, I did not turn around, a minute later the phone rang, it was my brother telling me that my mother had passed, but I already knew.


I will forever carry the remorse at not having turned around, I should have done that, or at least answer her, but I was paralized with fear, I hope she will have forgiven me.


After life we go back Home experiences is the testimonial from Milena


After life we go back Home experiences


After life we go back Home The words of the Angels
