Meeting a special person

Meeting a special person experience


Meeting a special person : and I also believe I have experienced the presence of an ANGEL, I meeting a special person, this is my experience, let me explain the details to you; it was one afternoon, it was raining heavily, like a waterfall, I was forced to stop my car in the center of a town called Secondigliano, near a traffic light and strangely there was nobody around me, the rain was literally pouring down, the water level was higher than the pavement, when a car, an old Fiat 127, stopped; after what seemed like an interminable amount of time, the rain finally stopped, I started driving again, I have to say that the mere presence of that person in that old car had a calming effect on me, I thought it would be good form to wave at him, he was a very handsome young man, blonde, blue eyes, long curly hair, a celestial smile and as I kept on driving I eventually thought about it and realized that no young man in Naples, not in the 25/28 years age bracket, would ever wear that hairstyle, and that I had in fact met with an ANGEL.


Meeting a special person experience are the words from Patrizia


Meeting a special person experience The words of the Angels
