Testimonials of life after death

Testimonials of life after death stories


Testimonials of life after death : this is my story, my testimonial about life after death, my 2-year-old niece has also seen my mother, who is deceased, she described her the same way as I had dressed her in her coffin, but what shook me the most were her words “grandma, she has a black hat and the new dress”, I mean, I nearly fainted when I heard her.


One day, we went to the cemetery with my sister and my little niece, she wanted to stay there to play with some young children, but we could not see anyone there.


Now she is 6 years old, she no longer sees anything, but she did see people beyond their death.


Testimonials of life after death stories are phrases from Pina


Testimonials of life after death


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels
