Dreaming of seeing Spirits

Dreaming of seeing Spirits testimonials


Dreaming of seeing Spirits : as I was telling you in my previous testimonial Getting in touch with Spirit following that dream, I had many more, dreaming of seeing Spirits, people I did not know, from the Sky they were telling me to bring their regards to their loved ones, giving me their names and last names, and some other detail that would have allowed them to recognize them easily; I had contacts with adults and children, even with my own brother, who passed at the age of 11, before I was even born.


One dream that remained impressed in my heart was the one with my father, who passed in 1979, and my friend Ivana, who passed in 1990; they were together, on an enormous meadow, immense, it had enormous trees, there was a bench, and that’s where they were sitting.


I asked my friend “how are you, Ivana?” and she answered that she was very well, but she asked me to tell her mum to stop crying, because that made her suffer, she felt bad for her mother, because she was doing very well, but not her mother, so she asked me to tell her that she was thinking of her, and to tell her mum no to cry anymore.


I passed the message on to her mother, she started crying, then she asked me “how does she look?”, I replied “look, she is still the same, she is beautiful”.


Her mother stopped crying, and now that she also passed, I hope they are reunited and that they are embraced happily, now that they are finally together.


Thank you for giving me the possibility to share my testimonial and forgive my poor Italian, but I am very emotional right now, thank you Sara Luce


Dreaming of seeing Spirits testimonials are phrases from Carla


Dreaming of seeing Spirits testimonials


Dreaming of seeing Spirits


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels
