Communicating with our beloved departed ones

Communicating with our beloved departed ones that come to console us


Communicating with our beloved departed ones : dear Sara I read on your side your beautiful and meaningful testimonials, it’s such a blessing whenever we are able to communicate with our loved ones who come to support us, console us and accept what fate has in store for us; I too had a visit from my mother, one night, she was dressed in a lightly colored vest, it happened after many nights of me crying myself to sleep from the pain, she was upset and did not agree with my actions, she scolded and pushed me to stop crying, I remember very well while I was half awake and very tired, through the blur of my eyes from tears and sleep deprivation, through my gasps and pants and my lump in my throat, laying in my bed under the covers, I felt the mattress sinking at a point near my knees, it was her, sitting down next to me, speaking to me and ordering me to stop crying.


Ever since that night I think of her, I cannot claim to have stopped crying, but my heart feels freer.


Communicating with our beloved departed ones that come to console us are the words from Milly


Communicating with our beloved departed ones that come to console us


Communicating with our beloved departed ones The words of the Angels
