Seeing Angels in a dream

Seeing Angels in a dream


Seeing Angels in a dream answers about the end of the world


Seeing Angels in a dream : when I was a teenager I saw an Angel in my dream, I still remember the emotion I felt when I saw him and spoke to him, he talked about the end of the world, that it never was going to happen in just one major cataclysm, but gradually and over time.


He answered my questions, he was beautiful; I only remember one of the questions I asked, because his answer made an impression on me; I remember asking him if he was an Angel, because I imagined he was from the way he presented himself, and from his beauty, he confirmed that I was not mistaken, and so, inspired by my emotions and my curiosity, I asked him all sorts of questions, but he only lingered on the questions about the end of time.


Then he said that he had to leave, and while I was begging him to stay and keep talking to me, he left, disappearing in the dark of that summer night.


I really wanted him to stay but he left me, I was really sad, however now I know that he never left me, because three years ago I had a real-life experience, it was wonderful, which I also shared on one of your pages, my dear Sara Luce “How to recognize signs from Angels”.


My teenager dream left me a dream that will never vanish; thank you my adored ISMAEL; an embrace of Light to you and to everyone, namastè!!


Seeing Angels in a dream answers about the end of the world are the words from Anna


Seeing Angels in a dream answers about the end of the world


Seeing Angels in a dream The words of the Angels
