Figure Of The Angel Guardian

Figure Of The Angel Guardian Angels Next To Every One Of Us The First Contact
Figure Of The Angel Guardian : I have always been attracted to the figure of the Angel since, when I was a little girl, I heard about Guardian Angels being next to every one of us; I still remember when I was at school, I was 6, I could see my Angel standing up, so I would shift to make room for him in my chair.
Then when I was an adult I stopped thinking of my Guardian Angel as a true presence, maybe because I just did not know how to communicate .... Nevertheless I bought books about Angels and inside me I felt that sooner or later I would find the way to let them into my life completely. Incidentally, actually it was not a coincidence, I heard Patricia talk about her 'Angels corner' in the woods and so I asked her to help me get in touch with my Guardian Angel and she talked to me about you, Sara, she gave me your script where you talk about the coincidences that allow us to get in touch with these extraordinary friends of ours, in addition she told me to start with very little things, like contacting my Angel, asking for his name.
In the afternoon of that very same day a friend of mine called me on the phone and tells me that the night before she had had a dream ... she dreamt of an Angel who was giving her a message from Christ, for her and for another person, whom they did not specify (Ada?), and before leaving, my friend asked the Angel 'What is your name?', and He replied 'Ilian'.
When I heard that name I felt something very strong inside, I could not think that this was not the name of my Angel! I explained everything to my friend, also because otherwise she could not understand the reason of my strong reaction at her words, and this allowed her to understand why she had felt this sudden urge to pick up the phone and call me, when she had actually decided to not tell anyone about her dream, but she just could not help herself and she had to tell me.
Now I am also careful about other small things that happen around me, I notice the coincidences, I ask Him directly for help, I too experiment His presence and if I keep a positive vibration level, I receive so many gifts!
A warm goodbye, Vera
Figure Of The Angel Guardian Angels Next To Every One Of Us The First Contact (the words of the Angels)
