The Image Of A Tramp Angels And Answer

The Image Of A Tramp Angels And Answer In A Song
The Image Of A Tramp Angels And Answer : it is so difficult for us human beings, so used to a lot of suffering and little love (both the products of other human beings) to believe that God is only and pure Love, instead of moulding ourselves to his image and likeness, we make Him to our image and likeness, but the Angels remind us, even through just a song, that it's only Love that comes from God and from his Guardian Angels.
Lory: The image of a tramp
Here I am again to tell you about a beautiful thing that happened to me a couple of evenings ago.
I had just gone to bed, it was about midnight and, as it is my habit, I tuned in my radio on 'Radio Capital' which never fails to relax me before I fall asleep.
First I would like to state that currently I am not going through a particularly good period in my life, I have many work related as well as financial problems and I started to pray to God and the Angels, with all my heart, truly with all of myself.
Then I tried to relax by letting myself be carried away by a beautiful song that was playing on the radio.
For the entire duration of those sweet notes I saw, in my mind, in my half-asleep state, the image of a tramp that was singing with his guitar in his arms.
When the song ended I heard the DJ saying: 'Did you know that the writer and singer of this beautiful song, due to serious financial problems, had become a tramp, until he achieved success with this song that eventually changed his life: .... And then he added: ' I want to dedicate this song to all of those people that are going through a difficult moment; don't give up!!!! The day will come when the Almighty will tell you: good ... you have suffered enough, now go and be happy'.
All of this was a very sweet answer to my prayers, and for this I thank God and the Angels.
A big hug, Lory
The Image Of A Tramp Angels And Answer In A Song (the words of the Angels)
