Christmas For Many Makes Sad Nostalgic

Christmas For Many Makes Sad Nostalgic A card Helped Me Reflect
Christmas For Many Makes Sad Nostalgic : christmas is around the corner although for many, this festivity should be a nice party and all of us should feel happy for the atmosphere that it creates in the home, at work, on the streets, everywhere, instead Christmas makes me very sad, nostalgic, I could not wait until it was over; everybody builds a nativity at home, the Christmas tree, but for the last three years we did not do anything in my home, what for anyway? for whom? there was never anyone at home anyway! this is what I had been thinking over the last few days, I was thinking of the past and I was thinking of the pain that a long time ago a person had inflicted on me, despite the fact that I have already forgiven her, but I think that there is still a trace of a grudge in me that I want and I must eliminate, I was also thinking about what to do with the book I am working on, basically a lot of less than positive thoughts.
I returned home and I saw a card under my door ..... this is what was written on it:
Blessed is he who lies awake when the heart is poor, God's love is his kingdom!
Blessed is he who never shows his fists, God's flower grows in his hands
Blessed is he who suffers for love, God's blood flows in his veins
Blessed is he who seeks justice, God's heart is offered unto him!
Blessed is he who continues to forgive, God's joy is his secret
Blessed is he who can see from the eyes of a child, God's face will reveal itself to his eyes.
Blessed is he who gives his own life for peace, God's arms await him
Blessed is he who risks everything for me, God's melody welcomes him joyfully!!
I do not know who gave me this card, but it helped me reflect and I would also like to share it with you via e-mail ... I think that someone out there might need it!
An angelic hug, Peppe
Christmas For Many Makes Sad Nostalgic A card Helped Me Reflect (the words of the Angels)
