Experiences Of Angels My Mother's Depression

Experiences Of Angels My Mother's Depression Testimonials
Experiences Of Angels My Mother's Depression : maybe they are the nicest experiences for a Soul, in a moment of true need and desperation comes the sweetest help from the Angels; they leave Love and important traces in the Soul, memories that will never be erased, memories that open up the path to the knowledge of Their great Love, and, how nice, to find them next to us, always ready to help us, even during the nice moments of our life!!!!
Laura: My mother's depression
My mother has been ill since I was 8, she suffers from depression, and now I am 35.
She has been hospitalized many times in various hospitals, she already tried to commit suicide and she was in a coma for a month.
Last year my father and I were desperate because the doctors told us that she had no hope left of coming out of this horrible illness.
At home I have a series of Angels which I look after, meaning that I always put fresh flowers for them, I burn incense, etc.
One day, in a fit of anger brought on by my mother's illness, I slammed all of that stuff on the floor with my own hand and my things broke to pieces .... I was angry with the Angels because I thought that they were not listening to my countless prayers.
And that's when something that I find extraordinary happened ....
So, I repeat, my mother had already been given up on, after a few days I was watching the TV series 'Costanzo show', who was hosting a psychiatrist, I felt it immediately that this person must have been very good at this job, he was from Pisa; a few evenings later, I was supposed to join my in-laws for dinner, the whole family was waiting just for me to leave, when I, I am not sure why, felt that I must absolutely call the directory enquiry and find out the phone number of that doctor.
I called and the operator gave me a number, I dialed it and I heard a noise, unfortunately the number I was given was a fax number.
During those days we were watching my mum closely because she wanted to kill herself.
I was ready to leave the house, I was almost out of the door, when I went back and I dialed directory enquiry again, and this time a very sweet voice answered the call, I told her that her colleague had given me a fax number, she told me 'Madam, you sound anxious, is something worrying you? You can tell me, I am here to help you'.
I told her briefly of my desperate search for this doctor, she told me 'Sit down and take pen and paper' ..... so she gave me three phone numbers, address of the doctor's office, address of the hospital where he works ... and you know very well that the directory enquiry operator is only allowed to give you one phone number at the time.
I told her 'Madam, you are an Angel, you are too kind' .... She replied 'You see, you have to stop thinking that Angels are only in the Sky, they are also here, amongst us'.
I told her that I wanted to repay the kindness, for her help, I asked her for her operator number and the room number in which she worked, it would have been easy for me to trace it back to her because my husband works for the phone company.
She did not want to give it to me, but after insisting a number of times, she gave me the number, told me that she worked in Turin in the room number such and such ... etc.
My husband, through one of his colleagues, traced the room number that she had given me, that operator does not exist, he was told, we were never able to find her again, my mother was hospitalized in Pisa, she was treated by that doctor and now she is doing well, she's been this way for 8 months now, she started to live again.
Experiences Of Angels My Mother's Depression Testimonials
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en (the words of the Angels)
