New families answers widows and new family
New families answers from Heaven about widows and new family children's problems
New families answers widows and new family : my dear Sarah, you cannot imagine the emotion I felt when I read your answer, I would like to know if Katia is well and if she happy with me, and if everything will be all right between my son and her children and her husband (Katia has been dead for two years) I feel her ‘presence’ strongly, but I do not know if she is happy, that’s all, all I want to do is give Love to everybody because I love them very much, but naturally I perceive the children have some difficulty with it, if the light could help them and help me too on this subject, the core of my question is this, can you help me?
Thank you very much and an embrace from the heart.
Katia and the Father’s answer
My much loved Sandra, you cannot imagine what joy it is, which helps heal the pain, to see thoughtfulness for my children and for the person who was once my husband. If here in the Sky everything is very nice and life is marvelous, in the heart of a mother there is sorrow too, because you know that all the cuddles from my heart shall be only expressed in emotions because you have no contact with them and your children can not feel them. This is my story, happiness but sadness too. Come on, do not worry, with time you will see a turning point in your situation, they will understand that, at the very least, you love them from your heart and they shall forgive you for not being me. On the other hand if my existence on earth ended, I cannot take care of them alone, tend to their necessities, and I cannot share experiences with them. Thisthe reason for my happiness in seeing you with them, you will be able to do what I cannot do. Respect their unhappiness because you are not me, do not try to replace me, just be yourself, a friend of mine who takes care of my children and of my previous companion. This is my request, do not delete me from their lives, remind my children of the moments they spent with me, think of them as their friend and your experience will be rich from that joy that my creatures will be able to donate to you. It is early, it’s much too early for them to be able to assimilate such a great change into their existences, give them time, when they will be older you will be a special friend to as well as the most important ally to me. You need reassurance and my words are telling to you the truth, put these words of truth in your heart and soon, over time, serenity shall come back into your heart.
Now I am embracing you and I thank you for all the Love you will give to my loved creatures.
Forever Katia.
I, too will add a message my dear and beloved Sandra, the heart allows me to speak to you and the heart allows you to listen, when you have doubts or perplexities, listen to your heart, and in its emotions you will see my manifestation, and I shall speak to you by putting emotions into your heart, and through those emotions I shall guide you toward the solutions, toward clarity, toward understanding. Call me and in an instant I will be there in your heart, speaking to you and I guiding you through difficulties as well as through joy, so that in your heart there may always only be Love.
Now I am embracing you.
A kiss, my Love.
This Father of yours, for you.
Thank you Father, thank you Katia
New families answers from Heaven about widows and new family children's problems
New families answers about widows and new family The words of the Angels