Alcoholism answers about alcoholism
Alcoholism answers about alcoholism having a dad who is alcoholic
Alcoholism answers about alcoholism : hello Sara, I am Luciano, I would like to ask the Sky about alcoholism, my dad has been suffering from it for many years, we have tried many times to help him but it’s hard, he does not want help, and as his child I have suffered a lot from the issues within the family, to the point where, for a number of reasons, I was a patient at a center for psychological health; I wonder how the heavy issue of having a dad who is alcoholic must reflect up in the Sky, a dad with a character and heavy and unpleasant demeanor, even when he is not drinking
I love him but many times in critical situations I would like for the Sky to take him away.
Moreover I am confused over my own situation, I would like an answer from the Sky or at least their understanding of us as a family and of me as a life in the eyes of the Sky.
Thank you my Father, Angels, and Brothers. Thank you Sara.
The Father answers
Thank you Luciano for coming to me with your prayer for help. You know, I see many situations between you, and a father or a mother who inflicts a lot of suffering on their children. Over time, many habits that are taken on when you are young become real illnesses and you can witness all around you how difficult it becomes to stop, and even the worry about the future stops being a worry.
You see, when your father goes out drunk, he does not think of anybody but himself and the many problems that he has encountered in his life, his eyes are turned to the past and he does not worry about the consequences that his drinking can bring to his present. While he drives the truck he feels a lot of tension, which a ‘drop’ will abate quickly, so he pulls over and drinks his little sip, or while he is driving he rushes to do his delivery so he can drink. He has reached a compromise where his drinking is necessary to endure his life.
If it’s true that life is supposed to be heavy.
Do you know what the consolation is? Love. The nicest life is not the easiest one, even though every existence has its difficulties, the nicest life is the one that is richest with Love. Every difficulty can be overcome when you are living your life with Love; when you have your husband in your heart, even a sacrifice seems more acceptable. When you have in your heart the love for a child, everything has more meaning, when the Love for a wife is the companion of your heart, every adversity is slowly solved. This is how Love is the true consolation of your existence.
Now that I told you what my eyes see, my dear, go ahead and let go of your desire that your father returns to us, he still has to learn and over time he will be able to learn, this is my hope, this is my wish.
A few words for you, this situation brings suffering and if you will use patience and Love in your life, over time you will notice that during your life there are many painful situations and you will learn the importance of Love to be able to solve them in the best way, as opposed to turning to the market, seeking substances to avoid thinking about life. You see, this market takes the place of Love and the consequences are on the children.
You are always my Love, I share your life right next to you, your every moment is my every moment, your every pain is my pain, your every hope is my hope, your every effort is my effort, and even in the present moment I am with you. Life holds you and your dad in unity, even on that day where you were about to abandon Love, I was right next to you. Your message reminds me of life together, our being a unity. My love, take my hand in the journey of life, your left hand and my right hand, and together we will live your life. My heart is crazy with Love for you right now, let’s live our Love forever.
Good, are you happy that I answered you?
For ever, your Father
Thank you Loved Father
Alcoholism answers about alcoholism having a dad who is alcoholic
Alcoholism answers about alcoholism The words of the Angels