Caressed by a great Light Witness of Healing Experiences of Miracle

Caressed by a great Light Witness of Healing Experiences of Miracle

Caressed by a great Light Witness of Healing : hi Sara Luce I have read very carefully everything you wrote on your Site because last night I got a recall I felt an inner voice calling me I meditate since a long time and I practice Rieki.

A long time ago I fell ill I was told that I was suffering from a rather sever stage of hepatitis it was completely all over my body, I had a bit more than half of my liver and I lost thirty kilos in a short time all this after my first son was born, I was stuck in a hospital for forty days without being able to see my new-born baby, I remember I used to go every single day to the hospital chapel to ask Our Lord to give me a chance to grow my son who I didn’t know yet, I prayed a lot, I cried a lot, until one night in a dream I saw a light, big, enormous, it was surrounding me, it clung me to itself, I wasn’t afraid, I was feeling that my serious illness was becoming energy, I don’t know how long all that lasted, the only thing I know is that when I woke up, I felt well, I didn’t feel tried like I did the days before, I was well and only a few days later the doctor told me that the cure was succeeding and that I would have recovered soon, so I could have got back to my baby!

Since then I approached to spirituality, to Reiki, to Vital Energy, I read a lot, I inquired a lot, I attended many seminars.

Caressed by a great Light Witness of Healing Experiences of Miracle was told by Maria Giovanna

Caressed by a great Light Witness of Healing The words of the Angels
