The Holy Cave at Marina di Pisa Marian Cult

The Holy Cave at Marina di Pisa Place of Marian Cult Message from Our Lady

The Holy Cave at Marina di Pisa Place of Marian Cult : dear Sara Luce, I want to tell you about what happened to me too yesterday Sept. 3rd 2008 to give further relief to discouraged people and say, come on, Heaven always helps you when you don’t expect it; I was at the Holy Cave at Marina di Pisa, a place of Marian Cult, where Our Lady appeared in the forties; I prayed then I sat down thinking a bit about my life, a little not a always positive account, at a certain point a young man came in, who I had never seen before, he prayed, then he sat down near the supplications book where one writes prayers and he started to write for a long time, I thought “he’s writing a lot, looks like he’s writing a novel”, then he came to me and said “excuse me, Madam, there’s a message for you, read it”, he went out and I never saw him again.
This is the message.
“Our Virgin, the Mother of all the human race, opens Her heart and says to the woman sitting behind her instrument “I liked your prayer very much, but your heart ought to be completely immersed in God’s will to be able to give the results you are waiting for; to do this, my dear daughter, offer me your life just as it is; don’t worry about anything; then you’ll be God’s means because you’ll have understood that humility is the first necessary virtue to be able to be used by Jesus, amen; may you heart be full of all the sweetness that God’s Love is able to give by means of My pure Heart, amen!”
It’s impossible to describe what I felt, I cried, I thanked Our Lady and I went out to thank that young man but I didn’t see him anymore.
I’m sending this small witnessing of mine, which I think is fantastic, my dear Sara, to everyone as a relief and as a message of hope that Our Lady always helps us.
The Holy Cave at Marina di Pisa Place of Marian Cult Message from Our Lady was told by Patrizia
The Holy Cave at Marina di Pisa Place of Marian Cult The words of the Angels
