A Prayer Fulfilled The Healing

A Prayer Fulfilled The Healing Prayer and Hope


A Prayer Fulfilled The Healing : hello Sara Luce, reading among the various testimonials reminded me of how important it is to pray, and how many miracles, big and small, have happened in my life; the biggest one of them was the healing of my mother, my mother got married very young, by the time she was 22 she already had 4 children, my father was not an exemplary husband, he did not understand her, he thought she was capricious, the truth is that she fell into depression and very slowly started becoming an alcoholic; taking medication to fight depression together with alcohol proved to be her downfall, which brought down our entire family, I ended up in Boarding College, my mum, barely over thirty years old, checked in and out of rehab centers, my father took the decision to take her to live far away from her native town so that she could no longer be a threat to herself and others.


My brothers and I always prayed for her … The years went by, we grew up. Nobody in our family took “the wrong path” as we grew up, even if we went through many tough periods in our lives. One day, my father told me that my mother could no longer be the way she was, and she told me to call a psychiatrist.


I happened to already know a doctor specializing in mental diseases, so I called him and explained his situation to me, and he immediately admitted her to the hospital, warning me not to get my hopes up, that if she recovered 30% that would be a very good outcome! But for us it was better than nothing! After about 6 months, my mother returned home, after a couple of years (in the meantime she herself became a grandmother, which proved to help her immensely) she made a full recovery, she just has to take an injection …


Now my mum and I, my children and my grandchildren have a grandma, my father and my mother continue to be together. For the doctors, my mum’s recovery was a miracle! And for us it’s more than that.


Sara, I tried to succinctly tell you about 11 years of illness … but believe me, myself and my brothers never lost our hope, we never asked God to heal her, you can imagine, the doctor that I called to help my mother … he has a name that has a scent of the Sky


I send you a hug Sara, thank you for having dedicated some of your precious time.


A Prayer Fulfilled The Healing Prayer and Hope was told by Luana


A Prayer Fulfilled The Healing Prayer and Hope


A Prayer Fulfilled The Healing


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

