Help And Support From Angels And Saints

Help And Support From Angels And Saints In Our Lives


Help And Support From Angels And Saints : dear Sara, it’s been a while since I wrote to you and I would like to tell you about what happened to me. I decided to try to enroll at the university of Florence, the problem was that the quota for students from my residential area was very small, I really wanted to enroll because after studying in this university I would have more opportunities to find a good job, and who knows, maybe help my family, since our financial problems have not left us alone in the last few years.


During the entire summer, while everyone was going to the seaside or on vacation, I was always here studying. I did not mind this because it’s something I do gladly, so I was happy to sacrifice some fun for it.


However, we all know, when the journey is long, there are also moments of discouragement, I always had my faith to help me, I always asked confirmation from my Angels and Saints that I felt were closest to me, especially Father Pio, Saint Rita and the little Madonna of the cliff, I would ask her to keep me going, and I promised to her that if they helped me I would have gone as soon as possible to visit their sanctuaries. They were endless months, the days seemed to drag, identical one from the other. However, fortunately, the Lord is great, and through my Angel He gave me many signs.


Ever since I discovered that Angels send us messages, even through numbers, I see them everywhere, and I even have fun asking for confirmations through numbers. By now my Angel knows it, every time I want to know if something will go as I hope, I ask to let me see the number 111. It’s something that I have been doing for a long time now.


I shall tell you what happened the day before the exam. In the afternoon I was in my room, studying, and suddenly, I started to have a panic attack, knowing that tomorrow was going to be a big day for me, and I started to cry. As soon as I calmed down, I told myself that I was at the very end of my journey and that I must not give up now, and as soon as I thought that, my focus shifted on the window, and on a ray of light that allowed me to see the sky, and I saw a few clouds form a heart shape…. How could it be? I got up, and when I opened the window  I saw a heart, not perfectly shaped, but to me it was a heart nonetheless. I knew this meant “Yes, do not give up”.


The following day I was extremely nervous, before leaving I said a prayer with the hope to manage to calm myself down. Once in the exam room, before starting the text, we had to wait until everyone arrived. During the wait I asked my Angel to give me a sign of his presence and of the fact that everything was going to be ok. I looked around, but I saw nothing, I was slightly resigned as I decided to stop thinking about it…. However, just a moment later, a girl got up, and I saw a heart made of fabric sewn on to her jeans. You can imagine the joy in that moment. But that was not even the only sign. As soon as they gave us the assignment, I could not believe my own eyes. They number they had assigned me for the text ended with 111.


Coincidence? Absolutely not!  Obviously I asked my Angel to help me through the task, and also not to abandon me.


Two weeks later I heard the result of the test, and guess what?


I was accepted. Over 2,500 people, there were sonly 500 places available. I was happiness personified. The day of the result of my test, I decided to go for a walk with my mother and some other friends, along our walk there was as church, once I was inside the church I saw a statue on the altar, the statue of St. Rita, however, that was not the normal spot for that statue, it had only been placed there to celebrate Saint Rita and her history. I believe it was a sign, I always asked for Rita help from Saint, and this was her way of telling me “Yes, we did it”. Perhaps I wrote a little too long a letter, but this is exactly what has happened to me. Faith can truly move mountains. And obviously, as soon as I can I will be visiting their Sanctuaries.


Thank you Sara for your patience and for listening to me.




Help And Support From Angels And Saints In Our Lives was told by Roberta


Help And Support From Angels And Saints In Our Lives


Help And Support From Angels And Saints The words of the Angels

