Prayer to Saint Rita

Prayer to Saint Rita the Saint of roses


Prayer to Saint Rita : dear Sara Luce, I am writing to share with you a wonderful experience I lived a few days ago with the Saint of roses, Saint Rita from Cascia, and I will take this opportunity to do it on the eve of her commemorative day, 22nd of May, which is tomorrow.


The month of May is a special month for me, not only because it’s dedicated to the Virgin Mary, but also because in May there is Mother’s day and the day for Saint Rita From Cascia, to whom I, my sister, and my mum, are devoted, every year we dedicate a novena to her.


You need to know that a few days before Mother’s Day, I gave her a gift. Not living in the same city, I prepared a gift box and had it delivered to her by mail. Unfortunately I did not send it with a fast delivery, it was just a regular mail dispatch, I was certain it would have arrived in time, but sadly it was not the case.


Not only did the parcel not arrive in time for mother’s day, but the longer we waited, the more we felt like it was never going to arrive, we felt anxiety and sadness, especially my mother, who had lost all hopes of ever receiving it. I had not even requested a tracking number, so we were not able to find out what happened to it. In the end, I resorted to asking Saint Rita for help.


I went to visit her in a church in Florence, where an image of her is displayed, and during my prayer I asked her to make the parcel arrive, I really did want the contents of the box to get to my mother, so I told her “Dear Saint Rita, please make sure that the box arrives the day before your Day, or on Saint Rita’s Day, as a sign that you hear me”.


This happened on Saturday 19th May, at approximately 08:30.


On Sunday 20th May, in the afternoon, my mother called me, to tell me that as she was going out of the house to throw the trash away, she happened to look at the mail box, noticing that there was a notice, she was positive she had not seen it the day before, when she came back from shopping, also because normally on Saturdays there are no deliveries.


Guess what the notice said? It was an invitation to collect a package, on the 22nd of May, exactly Saint Rita’s Day!!!! I felt such a deep emotion, and a lot of gratitude, too! I was sure she had heard me. I felt a deep faith, to the point where, when my sister had invited me to buy again the very same gift for my mother, I told her with much certainty “There is no need, IT WILL COME, either the day before Saint Rita’s day, or on the day of SAINT RITA. My faith was rewarded. The Saints hear us!


Thank you Sara Luce for your attention, and a hello to all the visitors of your wonderful site.


Prayer to Saint Rita the Saint of roses are Terry’s words.




Prayer to Saint Rita the Saint of roses


Prayer to Saint Rita The words of the Angels

