Recovery cancer of the Bladder story

Recovery cancer of the Bladder story of a miracle a dream the Recovery miracle witness testimonial

Recovery cancer of the Bladder story : about nine years ago my father in law began having problems with his bladder and since I am the daughter of a radiologist doctor I immediately had him checked up with an echography and unfortunately the diagnosis was an advanced stage of cancer.

As soon as I heard the sad news I was overcome by a great pain and I locked myself up in a dark room and I asked with all of my heart, for my father in law to be saved, he was young, my little girl was very attached to him and I could not bear the idea that he could leave us like that, when he still had so much to do. I cried and prayed a lot; the first thing that came to my mind was to give up my cigarettes which I enjoyed very much because I liked the taste of tobacco, but I was happy to give it up for my father in law, it may seem stupid, but that decision made me feel more calm. Of course the whole family was praying for him.

The following night, my birthday, I dreamt of a creature whose face I could not see but I could feel the love, it was a feminine and subdued voice, sweet but at the same time confident, was telling me: 'The father's sac is safe! Do not be afraid, he will heal completely!'

The day of the operation came, my father saw the echography and he told me that the bladder had to be removed, and that after the operation he could live a couple more years, maybe. But following my dream, also because we had had other experiences, my father believed completely that someone else may intervene from outside, and he went to the operating room himself, since he happened to be a friend of the surgeon who was supposed to operate on my father in law.

As soon as he saw the surgeon friend, my father approached him and without being afraid of being thought of as crazy, told him 'Make sure you only clean the bladder, do not remove it!' And the surgeon did not understand when he replied 'But Salvatore, this way in a month it will be back to square one and he will die a lot sooner?!? He has no hope as the bladder's lining has been affected!'

My father added: 'This is God's will!'

In the operating room there was the anaesthetic specialist, also a friend of my father, who overheard the conversation, and without knowing anything because my dad had not spoken to her yet, in fact my dad had no idea that she was going to be working on my father in law, she candidly replied:

'Salvatore is right this bladder must not be removed!' the surgeon, an old man, answered 'If I manage to remove the tumor in its entirety without touching the bladders' lining, I will not remove it!'

The operation last two hours, once they were done, they left the operating room and the surgeon, while taking his surgical mask off, said to my father: 'Salvatore, it was not me who was operating in there, it was God!!!'

Today, a few years later, my father in law is completely healed and is out of danger, and when the surgeon meets my dad he always asks him 'Where is the miracle man?'

Recovery cancer of the Bladder story of a miracle a dream the Recovery miracle witness testimonial was told by Rachele

Recovery cancer of the Bladder story of a miracle a dream the Recovery miracle witness testimonial The words of the Angels
