OBE Experience The Power of Love

OBE Experience The Power of Love OBE Experience during a car accident Witnessing
OBE Experience The Power of Love : good morning to you all from Sara Luce, before leaving you to Alessia’s witnessing, her experience obe and her discovery of the power of Love, I’d like to speak about the main characters of this experience, Alessia, her Guardian Angel and her brother who died ten years ago but Angel next to her especially when she needs him; we have seen many times how who we have love on Earth, appears and protects us, keeping in contact with us through that inseparable thread that keeps us together, like an Angel next to us and next to our Guardian Angel; Alessia’s precious witnessing shows us the difference of two interventions, the Angel recalls her Soul out of her body letting Alessia live this brief but strong OBE, then getting back into her body her brother intervenes “physically” getting her back into balance, avoiding the accident.
In a split second facing the real impending situation of danger that happens you are going to read from Alessia’s words took place.
Alessia’s witnessing ends by telling us about another person’s witnessing of contact with her brother, an experience that Heaven decided for her, in fact Alessia, non knowing how to define everything speaks about a contact with the Dimension and she tells us about other precious signs she got from her brother although, as it often happens, when we fell sure in our hearts that who we love is alive beyond what we call death, sighs become les “physical”, less frequent.
Now here are Alessia’s words
Hello, I’m Alessia and I’m very happy to receive your lovely message, I’m going to explain my wonderful experience as best as I can, I was on my motor scooter, it’s one of my greatest lack is that I go a bit too fast, besides my personality.
I was going on a curve when suddenly I saw a bag of rubbish in the middle of the road and I was going to end up in a ditch to avoid it, I was ready to go into it (the ditch) because I had no choice anyway, when suddenly from above I saw myself and what was happening, I wasn’t afraid; I couldn’t feel my heart beat, I was peaceful and I’m sure that you get that feeling only when you die; suddenly I found myself on my motor scooter and I felt as if someone was strongly pulling my arm, I found myself on the road, in the right direction, sitting up straight, and in balance, I was under shock and I didn’t understand, two minutes later I was at work and my wrist was hurting and when I looked at it I saw a mold of three fingers, right where I had been pulled.
Another experience I didn’t tell you about is that I spoke with him (my brother), I don’t know in what Dimension we met but we met at my mum’s. I knew he was gone and he said to me “I’m sorry, I was wrong, I’d like to rewind, but I can’t, but I’m OK now, I’m really fine”, and he gave me many signs, the shutters that opened by themselves, the front door (which you can only open from the inside) often open, knocking on the door, having a shower and hear him calling me, the table lamp switching on by itself while I’m thinking of him, his bedroom door shut that suddenly opens and so many other signs, but I’m a bit sorry because the signs are becoming less and although sometimes they used to scare me a bit, I miss them very much, bye for now because I’m going to start working. I’m on a night shift.
A kiss to you and a very big hug awaiting your reply, I’m very happy to have found someone who understands me and comforts me, thank you once again!.
I’ll write soon
OBE Experience The Power of Love OBE Experience during a car accident Witnessing was told by Alessia
OBE Experience The Power of Love OBE Experience during a car accident Witnessing
OBE Experience The Power of Love
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels
