Prayer For Our Beloved Ones Today In Heaven

Prayer For Our Beloved Ones Today In Heaven Prayers Dictated From The Sky


Prayer For Our Beloved Ones Today In Heaven Prayers


My father, I’m counting every single day he isn’t with me,

I miss him every day and the grief I feel, in my heart is terrible,

Today I’m asking you for help,

You must help me, I’m really suffering a lot.

My Soul can’t remember your immensity,

My heart can’t remember your great Love,

And Paradise is a word said, but I can’t remember.


I beg you, my beloved Father,

Bring me with you,

And hold me tight in your arms,

Overflow my heart with Love to make me remember,

Overflow my heart with Immensity to make me remember,

Overflow this heart of mine with Paradise to make me remember,

Now the Love of my life is with you,

Fill this emptiness with all your Love,

Surely as time goes by I’ll even stop crying,

But my sweet Father I need you,

My Soul needs you


Listen to your daughter calling you in grief

Listen to me in grief,

Your daughter, I’m your daughter,

Listen in my heart of a daughter,

And fill me with Love,

Surround me with Love,

Look at me and love me,

I need it, Father, I need you


And in you, my dear Father I will find consolation,

And I will find Peace in you, my Father,

And I will find Love in you, my Father

As every child of yours.


Prayer For Our Beloved Ones Today In Heaven Prayers Dictated From The Sky


Prayer For Our Beloved Ones Today In Heaven Prayers Dictated From The Sky


Prayer For Our Beloved Ones Today In Heaven The words of the Angels

