Love For Humanity For A New World Message From Jesus

Love For Humanity For A New World Message From Jesus
Today I would like to talk to you with this new method, so that all my words are without interruption and without corrections should arrive more quickly, it will only be necessary for Sara to transcribe onto her computer.
In this dictation I would like to talk of the love that I feel for humanity.
It has been very difficult to leave you on your own, but the time had come so that this sacrifice of my life could teach you that there exists this passage to a new life.
This is the right time to tell you about how I felt when I left you, when I heard your cries I had inside my heart a lot of sadness and I never would have wanted to leave you, without the help of which you were in need, do you understand my brothers how difficult this passage has been for me?
I wanted to communicate this to your for love, because for many brothers that die, the end is source of this same mourning that I felt myself, but today I am very happy because today my brothers I can still dictate my words for your brothers with all the great love that I have in the heart for you.
For this reason I am happy and I feel that my heart in this precise moment beats very strong for you brothers, now I am dictating to our friend Sara with this new method, it's much easier than before.
This dictation for the moment has ended, very soon I will come to give you another message, let's allow Sara the time to comprehend this new method, and once it's understood, there will no longer be problems in dictating her my messages that I will be donating you in the future.
And now I say goodbye to you with all my love and all my heart.
Jesus who always always always loves you and who will always be with you, forever, and in a little time we will be able to build a new world together with everybody, you and us, and you will see in the future how much love and how much peace there will be on earth, the holy peace will come and my light will illuminate you forever.
Love For Humanity For A New World Message From Jesus was the Message received 20th June 2003
Love For Humanity For A New World Message From Jesus The words of the Angels
