Transformation Project Teachings From Jesus Message

Transformation Project Teachings From Jesus Message
This dictation is aimed at all of those brothers in the world who are asking themselves why I arrived specifically at this moment in time.
The love that I have for each one of you is great and this my brothers is the real reason that pushed me to dictate you my holy words, for all of you who are ready to help me in this transformation project of mine and soon in this world there will be the peace and the light that in this world you have lost.
For this reason I have come, to help you and donate to you my teachings, very soon you will be able to reach this important milestone, even sooner if you will follow my words that I have lovingly dictated to you, I am certain of it.
I know that it's very difficult to believe that it's really me talking to you, but you see, if you follow my words that are the same words that I had told you when I was on earth, these same words that I written in the holy books that you already know, the only difference today is that I speak to you using my holy voice, blessed, it's my holy voice that comes to you to help you as usual with all my love and the greatest affection that I have always had for you my brothers.
Therefore listen, these words are a gift for you and if you will follow them they will help you better in this new transformation of earth, but if you wish to continue to follow the words that are on the texts that you are used to reading, feel free to continue, they are the same words that I will tell you with my holy voice.
Understand, this help of mine is only to help you with my presence because I always hear you invoking me, you always ask for my help and always hope that I will return here with you and for this reason, my brothers, I have come to you, brothers to help you with all of my love and the passion that I have always had for all of you brothers and sisters and all that I have taught you, just like all that I will teach you during these dictations, are the fruit of my effort dedicated to you brothers.
With this effort I would have wanted to teach you first of all that the love that I feel for my brothers is so strong, so intense for all of these brothers of mine, all of them, even for those brothers that are judging surprised my messages that I am dictating for you, and there are people out there that say that these messages are sent by the Devil, in this message I come to you with all the love that I always have and it's always love that has pushed me to reach out my brothers, I understand in part the hesitancy towards these messages that come to you through her computer, but it's me that's talking, she only transmits my holy words.
My brothers this dictation has been complicated only by the fact that this friend of ours was tense and I tell you this only to let you understand how difficult this effort of ours for you is, and for this reason this dictation is so short, I would have liked to send you all my sweet words for you that I feel in my heart, but for the moment I have to say goodbye to you, but very soon I will dictate you a new message, to help you with love my brothers.
My dear brothers, in the next message I will give you an important teaching on the freedom from any prejudice and from any preconception, this will be the subject of the next message.
Now I part from you and I send you all my love and all of my affection.
I bless you in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, go in peace with my Spirit.
Your Jesus who always always always will be with you with his love.
Transformation Project Teachings From Jesus Message was the Message received 22nd June 2003
Transformation Project Teachings From Jesus Message The words of the Angels
