Paradise Life After Physical Death Love is Master Message About Paradise

Paradise Life After Physical Death Love is Master Message About Paradise
My brothers listen, today I will talk to you about the Paradise to help you become aware of your life after physical death, and to enable you to believe in it, I want to give you proof of this existence of ours, if every evening you will look up the skies, in the near future, I will send a big big proof for the brothers that have doubts, it will be a shooting star of light, so that all brothers will see it and be able to quell any doubt, this is necessary to reflect and to help you understand that earth is not the only place where there is life.
In any case I want to illustrate to you how this place, not so far from earth, almost completely envelopes the earth, this place is Paradise.
Here with us we don't have problems like on earth, everything flows without your problems, because between us brothers love is master and all brothers are kind to one another, and they always help each other out if someone needs something.
There are many things then that I can tell you for example even here there are plants and many flowers that have thousands of colours and intense perfumes, there are ancient trees that always provide shade and you never know where it ends, the sun is always warm and it's not too hot, there is every variety of birds that sing continuously but they are never bothersome, there are also animals but they are never ferocious, there are homes with us also, but the homes are all villas, they all have some land with them so that you can plant some fruit or vegetables or put ornamental plants, we also eat but only wholesome foods, for this reason my brothers, like I had told you in that dictation of mine, it's important that every type of food be healthy and thanks to those brothers who decided to make the production of organic foods a choice of life, it will be good for you also to eat it.
Then there are many and many other things, if I remember them I will tell them all to you, but the time available is limited, I also feel strong now, because after my death, I saw that light that welcomed me into this House of the Father, I immediately felt strong and loved of a love that I had never known on earth, a sweet feeling that cuddled me and taught me without words that just in the same way as the love of the Father is great, so great that words are not necessary, it's sufficient that He takes you by the hand and this feeling of great love permeates your entire body, your body of light expands and shines like a source of light but does not transmit heat, the light is very fast and if you look everywhere else around you see colours that can not possibly be described but need to seen, these colours here are truly beautiful and every thing inside it has colours impossible to describe to you.
For example, in this moment I see the sea water that has millions of colours when you would only see a dozen of pure colours, if you only know how beautiful it is to observe this scene, but there are so many things that it's impossible to be concise, of all of these things perhaps the most important one for you is that we can reach you at any time that we feel is important and we come to give you our help, we come to help your Angels that are always at your side to help you with all of their love and guide you on what to do on the various occasions in life, and we always come to help you and give you advice, to help you in your project of your life and to protect you from dangers and from the many temptations that everyone can find on his path, even I remember the temptations but I always tried to do the right thing for me and for my brothers, actually, if I remember well, I always did what was good for me and for my brothers, I am laughing right now, can you believe it? Because here we laugh at everything and the things that involve everybody together make us all laugh with much mirth, for example these jokes of ours on love for brothers or for the time that elapsed when here time itself does not even exist or for how many questions but here there are no longer problems, but I see that now it's time to finish this message because it takes time to transcribe it on the computer and our Sara Luce lives in the Time and we must always respect your time.
Goodbye my dear, I say goodbye to our friend who always comes here to ask messages for you brothers and on your behalf, she has a great love and dedicates a lot of her time to give you a reply, a comforting word that we could only transmit to you with our thoughts.
Did I give you a bit of a picture of the situation?
Accept all of my love and a last message, tomorrow I will take another commitment with this friend of mine, for you brothers I want to dictate some suggestions on both physical and mental health, as usual this effort will be for you brothers and if you will follow them you should learn quickly how to live better.
Now I promise that this commitment will be the last of my messages, the help for my brothers stops here, I will return again in the future, every time that my presence will be necessary, which means that every time I will think that my intervention will be necessary.
Now you need to put into practice all that I have taught you in my messages, so that when I will return to talk to you, you will be more mature and I will be able to guide you better.
You know it's sad saying goodbye to you but it's necessary for you to learn to move with your own legs, I kiss you with my love and I say goodbye to you with all the care that I have for you, tomorrow is the last appointment and I will try to help you with this effort. So, till tomorrow my brothers. Jesus says goodbye, tomorrow I will dictate a lot for you brothers, for all those men that want the peace and that want to change the life of human beings for ever.
I kiss you fervently,
Your Jesus
Paradise Life After Physical Death Love is Master Message About Paradise was the Message received 28th June 2003
Paradise Life After Physical Death Love is Master Message About Paradise The words of the Angels
